DDOS Extortion – Biting the DDOS Bullet
21:08It started with a five minute long DDoS attack which established that the cybercriminals meant business and could cause impact, this small sample attack stopped all business for five minutes. They then sent an email demanding payment of the ransom in bitcoins within 48 hours, otherwise a second and far more damaging DDoS attack would ensue and the ransom amount would be raised.
This type of attack: ‘DDoS Extortion’ has become increasingly popular during the past year and the official
guidance to companies who find themselves in a DDoS Extortion situation, as recently reiterated by the FBI, is: Do Not Pay the ransom but rather focus efforts at strengthening DDoS mitigation.
The ‘target’ in this case was a leading ecommerce corporation and downtime was not an option both in terms of possible transaction loss and equally importantly reputational damage. The company had already invested in multi-layered DDoS mitigation strategy. The five-minute outage caused by the extortionists had senior IT management under pressure and they knew that serious financial loss as well as impact to their reputation was possible.
"DDOS mitigation does not boil down to one device that ‘bites the DDoS bullet."