WIFI Security [Prevent Reaver From Hacking WIFI]
Time to secure the world from black hat hackers being a black and white hat hacker myself i am a combo , i love blogging and exploiting the vulnerabilities and also love to secure them by sharing my different ideas.
Reaver is great enough to crack the WPS enabled routers and a common men thinking is " the stronger the password the stronger his security is " which is totally wrong because it dose not matters how strong your wifi password is but how weak the routers firmware is, Yes i recommend you to make sure you have bought a good router and you are keeping your router up to date.
How Organizations can Secure their Routers from being Hacked???
There are many ways from which organizations can protect their router from being hacked by reaver and i will share some of them with you.
Increasing the Pin Digits
This is one of the best way to make a security combination for their routers by increasing the pin digits they can protect their router from being hacked by the current reaver version. Yes the current reaver version only crack 8 Digit Pin code and if we increase the 8 digit pin code into 9 digit or 10 digit pin code this will be a great combination with other techniques to prevent reaver from hacking their router.
Using special characters with Alphabets
We know that wps pin only contain numbers but not alphabets with special characters and current reaver can only brute force the pin which is numerical and if we use one special character in our pin reaver will be unable to crack the wps pin. including this also if we use special characters, numerical , alphabets combination we can surely protect the router from being hacked by reaver and other pin brute forcing tools.
Like this pin " 1*#5h@9^ "
Like this pin " 1*#5h@9^ "
Using Time Limit
This technique is still under use by some organizations who have also updated their firmware in which if reaver tries to inject the pin one after another continuously then router will block us ( attacker ) for several seconds and we will be unable to inject the wps pin. Normally average time limit is 60 seconds per 5 wps wrong pin tries.
Changing the CH # and BSSID
If router itself changes its channel after several wrong tries by reaver like reaver is trying to brute force the router and after 5 wrong tries router changes its channel as if attacker has specified a channel number to reaver for the router then if router changes it channel number then reaver would be confused to perform attack because the specified channel number is changed and he will be unable to send the requests for wps pins.
Also in the same way if routers change their unique bssid number after several tries then this would be also good thing to prevent reaver from hacking the router because BSSID is always specified to reaver for performing attack on router and this can not be changed like channels could itself be changed.
Also in the same way if routers change their unique bssid number after several tries then this would be also good thing to prevent reaver from hacking the router because BSSID is always specified to reaver for performing attack on router and this can not be changed like channels could itself be changed.
Lock the WPS after several wrong tries
Yes if router itself lock the wps for limited time like if reaver tried 10 wrong pins one after another then router should disable or lock the wps for nearly half hour and this would be the most efficient way to block the the reaver from hacking your router by brute forcing the pins.